The Dental Hygiene program at Columbia Basin College participates in ADEA DHCAS (ADEA Dental Hygiene Centralized Application Service) for the programs application
cycle. Applicants will apply via ADEA DHCAS to provide the program with accurate,
streamlined and uniform data. The application cycle will open November 1, 2024, and
remain open until February 28, 2025. For an application to be considered, it must
achieve a VERIFIED status in ADEA/DHCAS by 11:59 PM EST on February 28, 2025. Applications
in an IN PROGRESS, RECEIVED or COMPLETE status on March 1, 2025, will not be valid
for the 2024-2025 cycle.
The Dental Hygiene program strongly recommends beginning the application process early
in the application cycle.
DHCAS Application Instructions:
Instructions on How to Submit Transcripts in DHCAS:
Submit Transcripts
ADEA DHCAS Student Support
Please contact 617-612-2095 or email
DHCAS requires 1-2 weeks processing time for transcripts. Be sure that transcripts
arrive no later than February 14, 2024. Transcripts submitted after February 28, 2024,
will not be accepted.
Full admission points are awarded for courses completed through Fall quarter 2023.
Admission points for enrollment will be granted for Winter quarter of 2024. Uncompleted
prerequisites need to be finalized by the end of Spring Quarter of the year you are
applying for. For instance, if applying for Fall 2024, ensure that all coursework
is completed by the end of Spring quarter 2024.
Below are options to receive additional application points:
- Veterans (include copy of DD-214 or proof of current service)
- Associate or Bachelor's Degree
- Successful completion of CHEM 123 with a grade of 2.6 or higher
- Volunteer hours
- Tri-Tech Dental Assisting Certificate of Completion
- Home Health Aid Certificate (RHS students)